Agency: Drive Shop
Production: Realization Films
DP: Tyler Maddox
Camera: Tom Day
Camera: Darren Campbell
Mazda wanted to show off the capabilities of their CX line of SUV’s so they sent 10 Youtubers, Social Influencers, Photographers, and Journalist driving to the Arctic Ocean just before the Winter Solstice. Myself and 2 other cameramen went along to document the journey.
The trip was 1700 miles of driving to reach the town of Tuktoyaktuk where the sun would never rise above the horizon for the weeks before and after we were there.
Filming on this adventure was difficult. We had to drive 10 hours+ each day with only a couple of hours of light and no time to stop for filming. On top of that we hit temperatures down to -27F!
I think there is a mystic and magical feel in the far north around the time of the Winter Solstice that I absolutely love! Can’t wait to be back again!